Monday, April 21, 2008

Go Flames!!!!


So, it would appear that we didn’t get the third straight day of snow (today) as previously forecast, at least not so far. And it can’t snow once the sun comes up, right? I think my shovel is officially off the hook.

I suppose the continued stay of winter here is somewhat appropriate, considering we are in the middle (or muddle in some instances) of the 2008 Stanley Cup playoffs. It always feels a bit more authentic watching grown men skate around on a sheet of ice, when you have three-foot snow banks outside your own front door. By the time the whole endeavour winds down in mid-August, you can lose your sense of reality over sporting games on sheets of ice – how can that be, you ask – when you’re sweating like a yak in flip-flops, a Speedo and muscle shirt??

And just while we’re on the topic of sweating yaks, if you are wearing a muscle shirt in really excessively hot temperatures, consider shaving, if you happen to be as bodily-hair blessed as Sasquatch. It can be extremely unbecoming to watch how human body hair reacts, when combined with heat and sweat. Blech….

That’s my tip for the day, folks!

Chow for now!!

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