Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19th already!!!

Where the hell does the time go?????

One day you’re just adjusting every blasted clock in the house for some wacko annual Daylight Savings Time ritual, then you find you’ve lost TWO weeks of daylight AND night-time!

Sheesh…hard out here for a crimp…

I had big plans for mid-March, let me tell you – big plans!!

I had wanted to:

a) Row row row my boat. Gently down a stream.
b) I was going to repair Mrs. That Dan Guy’s shower curtain, which she apparently uses for chin-ups, whilst showering…
c) I had every intention of stopping to smell the roses. They just seem to be unavailable at this time of year, under the snow and such.
d) I was going to run with scissors. No, wait! I did do that yesterday…
e) Even though I’m pretty much 30 years behind, I was going to try and teach the world to sing, imperfect harmony. Ha! That was a complete typo (imperfect), but it’s probably way more appropriate to MY singing lessons…
f) I still need to help bring sexy back….

And there’s so much more! Slow down, Father Time!!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    My, my, my!

    a) Would you really row "gently" my monkey?
    b) Did you know people dont typically repair shower curtains? You can buy another one you know!
    c) What snow? There is no snow?
    d) You give me cause for concern. An accident-prone man should NEVER run with scissors. I'm hiding them!
    e) On first read, I thought you said "even though I'm pretty much 30 years old" HA!
    f) Monkeys ARE sexy blogger man!

    Happy first day of Spring!

  2. I would indeed row gently. Like a fluffy feather!

    You can BUY shower curtains???

    Yeah, artistic license on the snow thing...

    Where'd the scissors go????
