Friday, March 21, 2008

HEY!! By switching to Firefox as a web browser, I was finally able to post a picture for Charlie's last posting on Saturday. AND, my posting is way easier. Go figure...

Now if I could only install a Mac onto this inept piece of MS Turtle Turd, I'd be laughing....


Happy Good Friday, to those of you out there that celebrate this special day!

I wonder if anyone in a position of influence has ever considered trying to launch
"Thank God It's Good Friday", which to my mind seems like a perfect fit. Imagine how successful a restaurant chain with THAT name might be!

Although, TGIGF is a bit more cumbersome...

You know, with the weeks dragging along throughout the year, maybe we need a TGIW, for those middle-of-the-week hump days. But if you partied too hard on TGIW, you wouldn't be thinking TGIT, come Thursday morning. You may not even return to consciousness before TGIF.

Maybe we should leave well enough alone...

Chow for now!!

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