Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

(Oh, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to anyone sober enough to know that…)

Today is the 2nd anniversary of this wacky blog. Two full years of committing nonsense and stuff to cyberspace, where Italian spies in very high places peruse each posting on a regular basis – to determine secret messages I may be inserting.

And what a ride it has been! What started out as an irregular daily mental meandering has sharpened over the many months into complete and absolute mental meanderings. Along the way I’ve inherited several rubber chickens, a banjo, and ensured that future generations will come to wonder why I was ever allowed near a keyboard.

As I sit here this morning, sipping on my coffee, I can’t help but wonder why I can’t feel my left butt cheek. But that’s OK – I’ve got a spare.

I hate to cut this big moment short, but we’re leaving early today, and I need to get some chores done before we depart. Green beer doesn’t just mix itself…

743 blogs so far, and hopefully many more to come.

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Cool!! Wow, how time flies! Happy Anniversary Blogger Man!

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Happy Anniversary TDG!! Not sure if you interested, but a few of the other blogs I read are doing a Write Buddies Group. 100 words or more a day, written in for a novel. Blogs don't count though. I bet you could do a fabulous novel. Want to join?

  3. Why, thank you, MTDG!

    And yet time does NOT appear to fly while attending certain events, as I recall...

  4. Hey TL!

    Hmmm. I should check that out, but right now we're under the gun for a couple of big events.

    Let me look into this!!
