Sunday, March 23, 2008

And so it is now officially Easter Day. Truth be told, I’m not exactly 411 with what an “Easter” might be.

I could understand “Yeaster”, which might relate to bread, or some other sort of baking. I’d imagine a person could earn themselves a degree in Advanced Yeasting, or Yeastery…

Buffets might lend themselves to a “Feastery” this weekend. “All You Can Feaster, for Easter, just $18.99!”

You could be a vegetable farmer, if you were a “Peaster”. Although I think you’d also have to dabble as a “Cornster” and maybe even a “Carroter” to really make some big bucks…

“Keaster” is what a person might fall onto, if they slipped on some ice, or a banana peel. Those damn banana peels…always tripping people up!

“Measter”. Hola! I am “Measter” That Dan Guy, and this is my wife, Measus That Dan Guy…

I fear this is doing nothing in increase my knowledge of what exactly an “Easter” is. I think I’d better hop on The Google, and get my smarts tuned up…

Chow for now!!

Happy “Heaster”!?

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