Friday, February 01, 2008

You know, we could possibly live in the only household where there are just as many rubber chickens as there are human beings…

Further to that, these rubber chickens aren’t all that inanimate. Every day, and I do mean EVERY day, one of them is up to something, here in the Such Is Life household. You might find one snorkelling in the bathtub one morning, or peeking out from a curio the next. They get around, these wacky birds…

All of which might rightly prompt the question: “Are these people nuts?” Maybe. Only time will tell. Or our therapists.

In other news, I think this Writer’s Guild strike has officially caught up to Prime Time television schedules. All the shows we used to enjoy are in repeat mode. Of course, there are the various reality shows and American Idol left, but we will continue to pass on those endeavours. Even couch potatoes have their pride… I for one don’t really care to watch that awkward Trump hairpiece wobble around on his puffy old head.

Viva la Movie Channel!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Well to be clear, this behaviour might prompt "Is this GUY nuts" not "these people".
    I worry, wouldnt you?


  2. Pleading innnocence? How unbecoming of one as deeply involved as you are...
