Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Well, the Academy Awards are coming up this weekend, and thanks to the writers’ strike being settled, should feature all the razzle-dazzle typically associated the broadcast.

I’m feeling a bit psychic this morning, and would like to make a few predictions about some of the big winners. These are guarantees, folks! Call your Vegas bookie, and prepare to retire wealthier than a junior Trump!!

Best Actress:

Hillary Swank should snag this one, for her work in Million Dollar Baby. I’m pretty confident on this one…

Best Actor:

You can bet Grandma’s dentures that Jamie Foxx will pick up this year’s trophy, for his marvellous portrayal of Ray Charles, in the biopic Ray. He’s so spooky good, you can almost envision him picking up a real singing career, after all is said and done…

Best Movie Not Nominated:

That Will Ferrell is freakin’ hilarious!!!!!

Best Appearance of French Fries In A Scene:

The Sopranos, Episode 27. OK, technically this might be my first big stretch, seeing as how the Sopranos isn’t technically a theatrical release. I’d still bet on it.

Best Director:

Clint Eastwood, for Million Dollar Baby. Man, this film could scoop a few trophies this year. It’s the female Rocky of our era!!

Best Use Of “Ecru” In Set Design:

What the hell: Million Dollar Baby

Best Picture:

Here, I must admit to being torn. Conventional wisdom leans towards Million Dollar Baby, but I just can’t quit thinking about Elf. Go with “The Baby”, to be on the safe side….

That’s it folks! When you cash in your winning bets, remember That Dan Guy!!

Chow for now!!

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