Monday, February 04, 2008

Hey, how about those New York Giants yesterday? Talk about your nail-biter Super Bowl!!

OK, I should probably just fess up and admit that we only caught the Half Time show (to preview the Tom Petty concert experience we’ll be catching live and in person later this year here - thanks to a timely piece of advice), AND the last 2:40 seconds, where the entire game turned for the Giants. We had also hoped to wind the PVR back to see the American commercials, but I had flipped to another channel briefly, which wipes out the memory. Not the brightest thing to do at that particular time…

But what was amazing to us had to be that dramatic and determined trek downfield to score, which ultimately stuck, and won New York the Stanley Cup. Or the World Cup. No, I’m pretty sure it must have been the Super Bowl…why else would they mention that throughout the whole show??

Aside from that broadcast, we also happened to catch a delightful movie With Rowan Atkinson, called “Keeping Mum”, or something like that. Hadn’t heard of it before we watched it, but can’t recommend it highly enough. A total hoot!

And, today marks the second day in a row I’ve managed to tap out a posting, without once mentioning those pluckin' chickens, here in the house.

Aw, RATS!@!#!*!

Chow for now!!

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