Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hey, does anyone else out there remember Michael Jackson?? He was kind-of a big deal back in the 80’s – big hits, huge record sales, an evolutionary nose…

I think he even had some success before that, with a band of some sort. Maybe it was something with family members? At any rate, what’s he been up to since then? Does he still record?

Wait a minute… He had a gimmick too, now that I think about it. He walked backwards, in an astronaut sort-of way. What the heck did he call that?? Backwards Astronaut Walk??? He did it in sneakers, if I remember correctly.

Wait another minute!! The mists of time are clearing – he wore like a marching band costume, and one white glove! It’s starting to become clearer. He was like the white glove cleanliness tester sergeant in the army, just with a gaudier costume. And greasy curls of hair.

Hey, didn’t he accidentally set himself on fire for a video once??

You know, the more I remember, the weirder this Jackson character is seeming to appear. The next thing you know, I’ll begin to fabricate scandals he may have been involved in, over the years.


Beat it!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Michael Jackson is just keeping the seat warm for that Blunt character and Michael Buble. They'll be there soon to keep him company. Maybe they'll even bring an extra glove.

  2. Do you mean future "Hall-Of-Famers" Blunt & Buble??

    More likely to find Britney playing ping-pong at Neverland...

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Wanna be Hall Of Fame is what I think you have in mind.

  4. Well, of course he WANNABE in the Hall Of Fame...

