Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yesterday, I may have misled readers, regarding Mrs. That Dan Guy’s habit of snoring like a 25-pound mosquito on steroids, whilst sleeping. She is flat-out denying this occurrence, most likely because she’s asleep while doing so, and entirely unaware that the noise she does make would register on the Richter Scale.

I, on the other hand (a gentle, soothing hand) make less sound while sleeping than a wave gently lapping at a shoreline, than a feather lying on a pillow.

However, MTDG would lead you to believe that I, a documented Light Sleepy Breather, am the culprit in this (totally forced) drama. I say, NOT GUILTY!!

Hey, do chickens snore?????

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Hmmm I dont know if chickens snore, but I do know what happens when you wrap your hands around their necks! (Whether guilty or not)
    Feelin like a chicken Mr. That Dan Guy?
