Monday, January 07, 2008

I know that the last we had heard, Charlie was enjoying some warm weather somewhere – I didn’t realize it may have been a crockpot!! Pass the potatoes!


You know, it’s getting harder and harder to believe that it’s winter, where we park our own cabooses. There hasn’t been any new snow in ages (not that I’m complaining, mind you), the thermometer has been rather mild, and my toque is starting to get just a little bit dusty. I think I like these winter Chinooks…

Another clue could’ve been the penguin I saw hitchhiking yesterday, trying to get over to Winnipeg…

So, with such a lovely stretch of mild weather in early December, does this mean I can dust off the Speedo for a trip to the beach in February? Can I start planning my siestas in the backyard sun, just a few weeks from now?

Will NHL hockey have to start winding up by early March? Which reminds me, I’ve been REALLY lax in my contributions to NHL Bloggers the past little while, so PLEASE, visit those fine folks, and peruse that fine area of Blogger

Well, looks like yet another warm winter day today, so I better get crackin’. I have to mow the lawn, and trim back the rose bushes. Oh well, it’s better than having to carve my way out of an 8’ snow drift, if you get my drift!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    We don't get Chinooks here in Winnipeg , we get the more oft comedic Schnooks.

    We actaully had a couple(tic) over the Christmas holidays and yesterday it was 3.

  2. So much for my premasture boasts - -16 this morning!!

    Shiver me timbers...
