Monday, January 21, 2008


It is knee—knockin’ cold out there today (-21, but -30 with the wind chill)!! You could freeze an egg on the sidewalk, if you could find a sidewalk under all the snow…

Winter in Canada – the stuff that legends are made of. Legends of palm trees swaying, in some tropical paradise…

Oh well, hypothermia is the small price we have to pay to enjoy an abundance of beavers, and Tim Horton’s coffee.

Had some fun with Windows Vista yesterday, for anybody keeping score. Just for kicks it seems, the new operating system decides to “remove” a few functioning programs from time to time. This weekend it was my wireless keyboard and mouse.

When Vista decides to terminate something, it is damn efficient at disabled said peripheral or program. You virtually have to lure Harry Potter over, to invoke some sort of magical incantation, and even then - if Harry has forgotten to bring his eye-of-newt, you’re screwed.

Someday I will come to understand how this product is supposed to enhance my computing life. For now, I just try to find softer places on the wall to bang my head in frustration, and await the day I can send this Vista operating system to a cozy resting space at the bottom of the ocean. Any ocean. As long as it’s wet, and deep…

Chow for now!!

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