Friday, December 21, 2007

OK, I have planted a little diversion for Mrs. That Dan Guy this morning (a shoe catalogue), in the hopes of getting this post past her notice. She seems to be struggling with embracing DRUM QUEST 2007…

So, I may only have but a short time to reiterate my case here, before she browses through the lovely colour photos of hundreds of new shoes, most of which she owns already anyway. But, I digress…

Ladies and gentlemen, I solemnly promise that I will NEVER hold out my hand again, if we can come to some sort of terms on this DRUM QUEST 2007. Why, I’m virtually giddy with excitement, thinking about MTDG awakening Christmas morning, to the enthusiastic sounds of “Wipe-out”, or “Smoke On The Water”, or at least what I hope will sound like the drum sections of those songs.

And, here’s the best part! You’ll be helping me get a jumpstart on my 2008 fitness plan! That’s right people, drums are hard work! Drums require lots of arm-flailing, which I believe is the seated equivalent of jogging. You’d pretty much be saving my life, by contributing to DRUM QUEST 2007!!

So, here’s the deal. Simply mail a set of new or used drums (try not to cheap out) to the address on my “Contact Me” page on my website, which you can hit via my Blogger Profile. I will then send out a tax-deductible receipt that will not be recognized by any government agency.

This humble man thanks you in advance. Now, hurry your ass up, and get those drums in the mail!!

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Okay! First of all I saw no catalogue of shoes but would love to see it!
    Second of all, Mr. That Dan Guy's arms may be flailing alright, but drums will have nothing to do with it!
    And finally, Mr. That Dan Guy, the only thing close to a drumstick you will see this Xmas is the one from the turkey! Turkey!

    - Mrs. That Dan Guy

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'll send a drum pick!!!
    As for MTDG Bah humbug to you too!!
    Sheesh what a Scrooge.

    Do you forget how happy that little MTDY was last Christmas?

    Just think of the joy and excitement on his pudgy little face Christmas morn.

    Boy, I tell you some people have no sense of Christmas giving.

    Just think it will be 2 weeks and then he'll be back to his world of Adam and they'll be collecting dust in the corner.

    Vive La Drum Quest 2007!!!!

  3. Bah Humbug indeed. Some people just don't know when a calling is calling you!!

    Bless you, my child...

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Argy very bad, very bad! Mr. That Dan Guy may have been happy last Christmas but I am certain it was because of the socks and necktie I gave him,nothing to do with the banjo.
    Drums wont make him happy! Down with Drums!

    - MTDG

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I'm not only losing my Christmas Spirit I am losing my will to live. I have a yet undetermined interminable disease.

    Please fulfill my last request and put a smile on my dear old friend's face this Christmas!!!!

    I'm sure any rum,pump, pumming coming out of the TDG and MTDG household will rival anything Bing Crosby & David Bowie did back in the 70's.

    Please people make it happen. Fulfill a dream and cherish the memory forever.

  6. Bless you, my son. Without a drum, I'll only have rum!!

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Well I am happy to report Mr That Dan Guy received his pa rum pa pum pum all right!
    He pa rum pum pum pummed his Jeep right off the highway!
    So, alas, his drums have arrived! He was flailing his arms, uttering some rock n roll type of language, the whole bit, what a drummer boy!

  8. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Rock On!!!!
