Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Man, I got me some pep in my step this morning! Yabba Dabba Doo!!

Did you ever have one of those mornings where you really wished you had a set of drums? I could be serenading Mrs. That Dan Guy right now (as she’s getting ready to go to work), with a hearty rendition of “Let There Be Drums”!

Do I know how to play a set of drums? Well, no, but frankly I’ve never let little minor obstacles like musical capabilities stand in the way of my (pipe) dreams. Whatever I might end up playing probably wouldn’t sound like the original composition, but I’m sure she’d embrace my hearty attempts. Volume, they say, covers many flaws!!

You know, we do have some old pots and pans in the basement that we were planning on donating. Maybe I’ll set them up in the kitchen, and test-drive the waters a bit, so to speak. I wonder if I still have that old muppet costume up in the attic? It has been some time since I went out for Halloween as Animal

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Oh brother, like the banjo serenading isnt enough? Really Mr. the drums are not necessary! REALLY!

    - MTDG

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Okay little drummer boy. I think you should stick to playing recorded music than try to make music. Just my opinion. Cheers.

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    First we had Banjo Bowl, so popular was that oen that they named a Prairie CFL football game after it!!

    What can you DRUM up this year!!!
    Where do I send my donation to?!?!
    Who do I have to convince?
    I know it's late but really who buys Christmas this early? Christmas eve is still 4 days away!!!

    Will a $.52 cent stamp be enough postage to ship a bass drum or a snare even?

    Hey th,ose cymbals can act as really cool toboggans. Woo the possibilites are endless.

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    You know, infants also like to bang on pots, TDG. I think your inner child is showing. (Okay, maybe it's not your inner child, but something is showing, and I think it needs help!) ;P

    Happy Holidays!!

  5. Anonymous MTDG, you're far too modest. I know that YOU also secretly dream of drums. Let there be drums!

  6. openkokanee, I am going to dedicate teh rest of my life to playing recorded music of nothing but drums!

    Let there be drums!!

  7., your generosity warms my heart. Even a simple drumstick can get this dream going from wish to reality.

    I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but I think I'm a Size XL for drum gear...

  8. TL, my inner child has long ago run entirely amok. Who knew he was a wannabe drummer??

    Happy holidays as well!!
