Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chicken Scratch

Up your nose, with a rubber hose, feather-free mammal people!!


Yer lookin’ at a sorrowful group here, my big-eared friends. My buddies and I are shown havin’ a little bonding time, after the memorial service for our pal Willard P. Mallard – one damn fine duck. A victim of fowl play. He choked on frozen bread crumbs. Hell of a way to go…

So, we had a service yesterday, and a few of us birds had a chance to remember ole Willie. As ducks go, he was no chicken, but us feathered folks gotta stick together. We’re all part of the same big flock, if ya know what I mean. Feathers are thicker than water. Or some other crappy sayin’ that sounds like that…


Willard was a free spirit, who waddled wherever the pluck he wanted to. He’d always be up for a game of “Duck Duck Goose”, or just goosing in general. Hey, ducks like getting’ goosed too!

One thing I remember the most about Will was that he had always hoped to go to medical school, but we used to tease him about that. I’d tell him “Why does the medical community need another quack?”

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ooooooh. I think I made my head hurt with that one. I gotta go lie down…

Cluck for now!!

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