Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The last couple of mornings have been awfully brutal on this old fart. I’ve had to get up HALF AN HOUR earlier than normal!!

Mrs. That Dan Guy has had a two-day symposium thingy she has had to attend, clear across town, at this ungodly early-morning hour. Rather than hop on a city bus at 4:00 AM, I’ve amended my own schedule, to drive her in to this shindig. What, you can’t learn anything if you start at 10:00??????

So, at great personal sacrifice to my own military-styled daily regimen, I am rearranging my mornings to accommodate this variation to our daily lives:

- No more lounging with a coffee, scanning the morning paper – I guess I’ll have to hear about the Russians attacking on the car radio…
- No time to sit and soak in the morning news – I suppose I can always find out after the rest of the civilized world if the recently hospitalized Olsen twin will begin to intake solid foods once again…
- No more healthy breakfast, a staple of my morning for years. Now, I’m forced to grab a muffin on the run, or worse yet – take my chances in some restaurant. The sacrifices I’m willing to make for this lady’s schedule…sigh…
- No more primping in front of the mirror before we leave the house. Actually, that’s probably a good thing…

So, better run. MTDG is almost ready, and her chariot must await!!

Chow for now!!

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