Sunday, November 11, 2007

I’ve written here before about my propensity to frequently see consecutive or multiple numbers:

1 2 3 4, 11:11, stuff like that. Most often on clocks or timers.

I’m not the only person that this happens to. If you surf the Google with 11:11, you’ll find all sorts of crackpots…um, I mean all sorts of interesting theories about coincidental numbers. Most common of all – it’s a gateway for alien visitations.


Whatever the occurrence means, I’ve been experiencing this for years. I’ll be working away, and glance up at a clock, and see that it’s 3:33.

Or, I’ll be making lunch, and glance at the stove, only to see the digital display reading 12:34.

Or, I’ll be in front of a slot machine, and suddenly 7 7 7 will appear. On the machine beside the one I’m playing… One thing for sure, this numerical quirk of mine isn’t related to wealth…

So, what is it all really about? I have no clue. But if there is some sort of cosmic importance, I always figure that today is one of the pivotal days of the year for this thing, as it happens to be 11/11.

And so, I wait. I wait for Ed McMahon to knock on my door with The Prize Patrol, or a representative of the Oreo Cookie Company, delivering my lifetime supply of those new cake cookies.

By late afternoon, I will remember that this thing generally doesn’t involve monetary windfalls, and dive headfirst into a bag of potato chips.

It ain’t pretty…

On a related note, don't forget to remember those who have fought for our freedom today.

Chow for now!!

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