Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Comforting news, watching TV lately…

More specifically, those “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” commercials. For my money - a fun ad campaign, but also right-on-the-money with poking shots at Windows latest operating system – Vista.

The PC guy in those commercials is trying to stem the flow of Windows clients switching back to Windows XP, and I can believe that he ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie. Vista may appear to be a slick new operating system, in the same way that a 2008 Citron looks like a new car, but acts more like a tart yellow fruit.

To be honest, I don’t even know if they make Citrons anymore, but it seemed like an appropriate comparison. Vista sucks. Vista blows. Vista is about as competent as an appendectomy performed by a jittery kangaroo. Actually, the jittery kangaroo has a better chance of performing an appendectomy than Vista has…well, you get my point.

Don’t get me wrong! Vista looks slick enough. It’s just that any program or hardware you’ve gotten used to over the past year, sort-of may not work with Vista. Sort-of, like highly unlikely, unless you surf the Google for frantic updates every other computer organization has had to develop, to fix compatibility issues. I can now print again, after “upgrading” a relatively new printer with software that Vista deems to recognize. Happy day…

But perhaps I rant here. The clock and calendar that appears on my desktop is a fine replacement for actually being able to use software I picked up 3 months ago, now unrecognizable by Vista. The spinning circle is completely captivating, as I await any of my functions to commence. This may have been invented with cats in mind, it’s like a virtual ball of yarn.

But again, perhaps I rant. For now, I’ll see how long I last with this “improved” Windows operating system. And, I’ll enjoy those “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” commercials even more than I used to…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Once you go Mac you'll never go back!!

  2. I miss Mac!!

    I started out on a Mac. Well, also a Commodore, but we don't need to go back THAT far!!

    I really should have switched - those commercials are bang-on!!

  3. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Got my new 20" last Thursday after saving for 2 years. Woo Hoo!!
    Back in the 19th Century again!!

  4. Hey, you'll like it here! There's a hot new show called "Three's Company".

    I think it's going to be a hit...
