Thursday, October 11, 2007

I’ve got some pretty interesting luck, when it comes to picking up odd ailments…

Take yesterday for example. I awoke to discover a plugged ear, the same one I’ve written about in the past – which at times feels like it is filled with water. What a gift that would be if I was stranded in a desert! No, wait, how would I get the water out?? Blimey!!!

At any rate, yesterday this plugged ear got so bad, it made the left side of my face numb. Number. That was supposed to read more numb, not numeric, by the way.

So, even though I believe in my heart that I am capable of curing just about anything myself, I thought this might be a good time to visit a real doctor.

After a leisurely, relaxing 90-minute wait, the doctor took a look inside, and made hand puppets on the wall with the illumination from my other ear.

Kidding. He couldn’t see anything, because of a waxy build-up. Not only should I have used a less waxy cleaner on my floors, I should have been just as diligent inside my ears.

So, the solution was to take some sort of anti-histamine for a week (I think THAT one was total improvisation on his part), and I have to insert a couple of drops of mineral oil every day, to help soften the wax build-up. Thank God the doctor had some suggestions at least, or I’d be here at home right now, trying to excavate the stuff with a toothpick and some dental floss…

Today, it’s just as plugged, but only a 5 on the throbbing scale. In a week he will flush the ear, and we’ll see if there’s indeed water or something in there.

On an unrelated note, it has been two days today since I’ve seen my pet caterpillar. Somehow be broke out of his cage (OK, saucer and lettuce leaf), and has been AWOL ever since. Hope he turns up somewhere soon..

Chow for now!!

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