Friday, October 26, 2007

Hey, my picture's back!! What sort of magic has transpired???


I’m not sure why, but everywhere you look these days – there’s a pumpkin. Pumpkins in the stores, pumpkins in the parking lots, pumpkins in trees. What’s up with that??

I’m almost starting to think that pumpkins must bloom at this time of year, or something. Why else would you find those rotund orange vegetables everywhere you look?

Or are they fruit? I think I can safely assume plant, but whether or not it falls on the side of fruit or vegetable could be like those blasted tomatoes, which seem to swing both ways.

Oh yeah, they could also fall into the gourd family, which I am often out of. My gourd, that is - not literally – as in “Omigod, I’m like, totally out of gourds!!” Frankly, this space often comes across as the scribbler being completely out of his gourd…

But back to pumpkins. Does anyone out there have a reasonable explanation for why I have to see pumpkins everywhere, most especially blocking all the Christmas displays? Just the other day, in a local department store (OK, Zellers…) I spotted PLASTIC pumpkins, with a bunch of decorated Christmas trees in the background. What sort of image is that? I don’t recall pumpkins at any Christmas celebration I ever had as a kid?????

Well, I’ve already dedicated waaay too much time to this topic, and at the expense of something squirrel-related, I might add. Some National Squirrel Month this has been! I may even be removed as the national chairperson. I need to get my act together.

I need to get back into my gourd…

Chow for now!!

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