Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I recognize that I may have an unnatural obsession with body hair. Every morning I look in the mirror, and try to determine just how much of that stylist-induced bald spot has returned. Slowly but surely, it seems to be regenerating.

But then my mind (as it tends to do) wanders. And I notice that the hair on my arms and the back of my hand, etc. seems to be the same length it has been for decades. No change. I suppose that’s a good thing, but I also become very reflective on why that might be. Concerned might be a better word.

Have I somehow stunted the growth of my arm hair? What is normal for a human arm? I mean, look at Robin Williams – that guy would make a black bear jealous with his arm foliage. I’ve got about as much hair on my arm as a newborn baby has on his or her head. Am I below average?

I can comfort myself in the knowledge that Mrs. That Dan Guy doesn’t have all that much arm hair either. As a matter of fact, she has waaaay less than I do, so I suppose I can comfort myself with that tidbit.

Chow for now!!

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