Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well, there you have it, folks! I’ve been saying all along that September was flying by, and look at that calendar! There’s just a few days left…

If only December could do the same. Oh wait, that’s not too bad a month, holiday-wise.

If only January could do the same...

I’m a little dopey this morning. Had some tossing and turning in bed last night, and as a result got up a couple of times. Therefore, I’m kinda feeling it, whilst trying to propel my carcass along this morning.

Man, does network TV ever blow at 2:00 in the morning! Not that it’s all that great at prime time either, but in the wee hours of the morning, you really have to work to try and amuse yourself. While watching TV…

First off, you’ve got infomercials up the wazoo. Infomercials for products you’d have to have been kicked by a mule to think you actually need.

And how do these wizards always come up with $19.95 for every single product they offer?

“A new magnetic duster, harnessing the power of unicorn hair, just $19.95!!”

“Will you pay $1000 for this edible vacuum? NO! Will you even pay $500 for this revolutionary new edible vacuum? NO!! For just three equal payments of $19.95, you’ll be eating dirt in style!!”

I have to admit, I jotted down the number for that amazing new potato peeling glove. Have you seen it? You just rub a potato while wearing these abrasive gloves, and seconds later, you’ve pulverized the peel, and hold in your hands a potato literally begging to be boiled. Sure, the gloves look like you’ve been working on the transmission of a school bus, but I’m sure they just wash off with one easy motion.

Anyhow, I’m whacked, and sitting here pounding this out hasn’t helped. I’m going to go put my head down, and dream of my potato peeling gloves.

I wonder what they’d do to a gerbil???

Chow for now!!

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