Friday, September 07, 2007

I wonder sometimes if Chewbacca still has all his original hair. Wouldn’t Wookies eventually go bald, like anyone else?? There’s something unsettling about thinking that a giant hairy beast that can pilot a spacecraft may be wearing a toupee…

A toupee that looks like the daily hairstyle of The View’s Meredith Vieira…

Speaking of bad hairdos, I hear on the news this morning that Britney Spears is going to be launching her official comeback on a music awards show this weekend. Here at the Such Is Life household, we will be clearing our schedules to attend this event, albeit from the safety and comfort of our reclining sofa.

This performance could mark a musical highpoint of the year, like back when Friskies or whoever first launched that famous “Meow Meow Meow” song for their commercials. That tune was on everybody’s mind for years! Go Britney!! And don’t forget, it’s “yay yay yay yay” after every other lyric…

Wow, I’m all over the map this morning! And snarky! I should have finished my first cup of coffee before I jumped on board today.

Could be because I had such bad luck myself this week, at the Meredith Vieira Wig Factory. Her style just isn’t suited to a husky older fellow like myself. I look like that old stand-up comic, Emo Phillips, pictured above - for no apparent reason - at the start of this blog.

Bet you were wondering how I’d tie that in, eh???

Chow for now!!

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