Monday, September 03, 2007

I must be starting to lose what's left of my marbles....I thought I had brought home a green tea latte yesterday, but for the life of me, I couldn't find it anywhere...


So, I think I would have been very well suited to have been a Pharaoh. You know, one of those ancient Egyptian rulers that had thousands of volunteers working on pyramids and such.

Yesterday, Mrs. That Dan Guy & I spent an entire flippin' day, out in the hot sun. Not tanning or lounging - we had to erect a garden shed before late December, and yesterday was our day to do it.

So, with tools in hand, and a song in our hearts, we set about the task. First order of business, find a level piece of land in the roller coaster track that is our yard. Rather than in a corner, as we had hoped, the only level piece of dirt in our entire backyard ended up being directly in the middle.

So we laid the floor, and all was well - the sun was shining a bit brighter and hotter, but we still had a song in our hearts.

Then came the walls. Which as we fitted one piece into place, a previous section would fall apart. By the time we made it to the fourth side, the first side literally crashed to the ground. The second wall teetered, but only partially decomposed. And that ole sun, well, it really stretched out and shone. Like a space shuttle rocket, boosting away from the earth. Even our sweat was sweaty......

With some persuasion, and after a break sitting in our downstairs freezer, we were able to prop up the sidewalls with a variety of items, including but not limited to tennis racquets, and a copy of Dear Abby's Best Columns.

We were pleased to note that the roof went together exceedingly well, until the next page in the manual indicating a step we had not previously been made aware of, and had to dismantle half of both sides of the roof sections. The song in my heart was getting a bit darker...

The shed now stands completed. But if I had been a Pharoah, my volunteers would have had the joy of completing that task. And this morning, I wouldn't feel like a baked potato that had been shot down the street by a hockey stick.

Chow for now!!

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