Saturday, September 29, 2007

Chicken Scratch

Happy Saturday morning, my poultry-bump-free amigos!!


Ole Charlie’s feelin’ a little bagged this mornin’, folks. I been fightin’ the cold that my roommates have been passin’ back ‘n forth, and I think it done did caught up to me…

Plus, they ain’t exactly prompt on cleanin’ up my litterbox, if ya know what I mean…Germ Alert!!


Now, ya know how polite I usually am, but to give you some idea of how we’re all doin’ around here, let me paint a little picture for ya.

Ya ever heard that ole sayin’ “Slicker than the snot on a rooster’s beak”? Well, with three colds in the house, there’s snot ON the beaks, IN the beaks, all over the beaks!!! It’s a cluckin’ mucous factory in here!!


And I have to say, Mrs. That Dan Guy sounds like a Canadian Goose honkin’ when she blows her nose. Just sayin’…

Which is still better than Banjo Boy, who groans every time he blows his honker, like he’s just passed a marble through his honker. The boy is a total wuss!! Which may explain his fascination with that high-pitched yowler Blunt.

Cluck! Better scatter. My beak is startin’ to dribble again. Chicken wings ain’t meant to hoist Kleenex!!

Cluck for now!!

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