Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chicken Scratch

Happy cluckin’ Saturday, mammals!! Tickle yer arse with a feather??


So, not much goin’ on today – pretty quiet in the hood. I been keepin’ a low profile this week. Behavin’ myself for a change. Maybe I’ll even tutor some kids for kicks.

Yeah, absolutely nothin’ new this week. Just a dull, dull week around this pluckin’ joint. I read some Cosmo magazines, and caught up on some Oprah video I was behind on. I think I even knit my aunt a set of leg warmers. Tame stuff…

What?? Ya say I look different this week?? What the pluck are ya talkin’ about????


Charlie looks like he has every other cotton-pickin’ week, you near-sighted hairless monkey!!!

Aw, crappy doodles….


Alright, so I had a little “elective surgery”. The copy of Cosmo I read had an article that said that chicks still dig a full head of hair. I ain’t ever been all that hairy on the roof, so I HAD to get creative. I found a ad in the phone book for hair augmentation, so voila! Charlie with a bouffant!! Wattaya think??


I think I got a bit a danger to me now – a toucha wild man. And lemme tell ya – so far, the chicks dig it!! If I learn howta play guitar, all you featherless homeboy sapiens better get friendly with the Maytag repairman – there won’t be any chicks left for the rest of ya!!!

Maybe I should add one of them growths under my chin…


Cluck for now!!


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    forget about the guitar's all about the banjo....

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    My ears!! Stop the bleeding!!!
