Friday, August 10, 2007

My old computer monitor must have been returned/delivered by courier sometime yesterday afternoon, but I was out and about. Mrs. That Dan Guy had a doctor's appointment, for which I was her chauffeur.

What barks my tree is that the delivery company, which we'll call Fat-X, doesn't get a response when they ring the doorbell, so they just leave a valuable package outside, for anyone mowing their lawn, or out walking their baby to purloin.

That's steal, heist, pinch, snag, lift...whatever you want to call it, the delivery company (Fat-X) put my property at risk, so that they could deliver Tupperware to some other home, or make it to the opening of the first round of Bingo somewhere.

Is this proper, I have to ask? Shouldn't the driver be obligated to sit in his or her truck, and WAIT until I return, even if it did happen to be almost 8:30 PM last night??

Shouldn't the driver be required to at least get a signature, or does he (or she) just take a digital picture of themselves holding the package in front of my house, which would legally alleviate themselves of any loss if indeed a renegade mom out walking with a newborn did IN FACT snap up my package,and sprint into the nearby hills??

I'm mad as a wet noodle, and I ain't gonna take it anymore!!

As soon as I finish my coffee, and have my morning nap, I'm going to raise hell somewhere.

Chow for now!!

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