Sunday, August 05, 2007

I've been thinking, which is generally never a good thing...

In order to procure a few extra buckaroos for some of my hobbies (including, but not limited to music collecting, concert attending, and recreational eating), I might need to explore alternate ways to make more disposable income.

Rather than work, so to speak, I turn to other options, such as, say...charging a nominal fee for viewing these postings.

As this is a public site,I would have to work on the honor system. I realize that just about anybody can view this stuff every day for free, but to assist me in keeping current with Michael Bolton's latest recording efforts, or allowing me to try this new tuna snack food product, I am proposing that a voluntary donation of say...ten bucks a viewing would work wonders. For me, anyway.

That's just the price of 6 coffees a day (One-and-a-half if you go to Starbucks), a small personal sacrifice for the untold daily benefits of lowering your blood pressure with less caffeine intake.

Plus, you'd get the added perk of reading this stuff, and opening your world to the heart-warming pleasure of knowing that I've been able to start model airplaning. Or bobsledding. Or lawn bowling.

The possibilities are endless. I mean, why support something intangible and faceless like UNICEF, when I've got a smiling picture right up there, at the start of this blog every day? And in writing about my adventures, you'd know your hard-earned dollars were being spent far more wisely, as I share my horizon-widening (or belt-widening...I did list recreational eating) experiences with the world.

At least those members of the world kind enough to send a few daily dollars, care of this blog...

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I suggest a telethon. You could easily fall into many of those categories.

    Most developed torso, Run For Rogaine etc;.

  2. If I could only relocate ear hair...
