Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm always suspicious when a few hours go by, and I don't get any new e-mails. Especially after writing a posting about how far behind I am on getting to the dang things...

I typically awaken to a handful of new arrivals every day, and get seriously panicked if none come in. I attribute it to either cyber-pirates, or a world-wide failure of The Google, preventing regular mail traffic.

You've probably already guessed by now, I found no new e-mails when I awoke this morning.

After a precautionary test e-mail to myself (from one of my six active e-mail accounts), it would appear that traffic is indeed still flowing, just not to me.

Which isn't to say I want to get another slab of e-mails, it just makes me curious.

OK, crazy...

I mean, how can that be?? I get e-mails day and night, night and day?? How can a night go by with NOTHING??

Just sayin'...

Chow for now!!


  1. Dan,
    Sorry you're feeling lonely. I read some of your columns. You're really funny!

  2. Why, thank you!!

    And, as of moments ago, the e-mails are back on track.

    Could be I'm just hyper-reactive...

