Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I seem to have a bit of a buzz this morning. Kind-of a mild headache, but not really a head ache. I think it may be a cold of some sort, trying to grab a foothold in my cranium.

My runny nose is another clue that this headache is less likely hangover than bug or virus. I hope I’m wrong, but as I’ve blown my nose three of four times in just two paragraphs worth of typing, so I’m inclined to think it truly is a cold.


I am less than manly when it comes to having a cold. As a matter of fact, Mrs. That Dan Guy takes great pleasure out of snickering whenever I do blow my nose. Snickering due to the correlation between my nasal passage clearing, and the groaning I do immediately thereafter. Like I’ve not so much just expunged loose mucus, as I have battled hoards of demons with a soda straw…

I wasn’t even aware I did that, until one time she just burst out laughing. As I sat in my reclining chair, weak and traumatized from yet another hearty blast into a Kleenex, I was puzzled by her reaction – heartless to be honest.

She responded by suggesting that EVERY time I honk my beak, I moan like a bingo player who ended two numbers short on his or her card. While I know that’s completely RIDICULOUS, after time you just have to humour your partner, and agree with whatever looney-tune statements that they come up with. Otherwise they never bring you your slippers, or your newspaper, let alone light your pipe for you.

The thin line a person has to walk, while suffering (almost) in silence…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    He has been waiting 20 years for someone to bring his newspaper and the like......in his dreams!
    Well, ok, each morning his slippers, but that is where I draw the line....
    Honestly, it is funny as heck to see Mr That Dan Guy sick, quite pathetic actually.....I hope it is not a cold, too hard to watch the drama unfold!

  2. You know, for someone that takes FOUR hours to get ready every morning, where does she find the time to slip into my office and read this stuff???

  3. Anonymous7:58 AM

    There we go with the drama, you see everyone?!
    Such exaggeration! 4 hours my sweet patootie! (2 hours really)
    You have to stay on top of this guy, you never know what nonsense he is reporting!

  4. And this is EXACTLY the sort of uncaring, non-sympathetic, downright despicable reaction I get every time I'm close to my death bed.

    I'll be shivering in my corner of the room, death gripping me in his icy claws, and she won't even look up from the episode of "The O.C." we may be watching at the time.

    It's only my own fortitude, and remarkable ability to overcome the crushing effects of a cold, that see me through...

    That's the fact, Jack...

  5. Anonymous8:05 AM

    OH BROTHER!!!!!!!

    The only reason you will be shivering in the corner of your room is because you are in the doghouse!

    Drama, drama, this is all I get!
    What is the O.C. anyways?

    "Overcome the crushing effects of a cold?" OH BROTHER! I'll crush somthing in a minute!

  6. Dear Boss,

    This is Mrs. That Dan Guy. I will be very late for work today, and I accept that I am completely irresponsible as an employee.

    Thank you...

  7. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Nice try, I did not leave that last comment!
    I am busy looking for a nutcracker! Anyone seen a nutcrusher, I mean a nutcracker?

  8. YELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I hope you feel better, Mr. That Dan Guy,

    Mrs. That Dan Guy...you go girl!!!!

  10. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Oh the drama...

    I have an idea. Perhaps you can train the fuzzy bear-thing to fetch your slippers, get your coffee, fluff your pillow, and cater to your every whim each time you are on your "death bed"?

    The way he was singing in your ear the other day...I'd say he would be more than happy to be at your beckoned call.

    Just sayin'...

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I''d like to see MrsTDG and Charlie grapple one of these days.
    Ya' know that bird rarely if ever mentions MrsTDG.
    Do I dare say he is CHICKEN!?!?!?!

  12. There's a mental image - Charlie & the boss grapplin'.

    Let me work on that...

    And I will do a quick Google search for any medals of valour the chicken may be sitting on...

  13. For Anonymous, I am going to study that video VERY carefully.

    Any inappropriate serenading will be examined in detail.

    Like I don't already seem to be in need of serious and immediate therapy...

  14. For Theadra,

    Doing much better so far today, and clearly the LAST thing MTDG needs is encouragement!!!!

    Starting to think I may have just had a slight allergy sniffle...

    How embarassing!!

  15. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Mrs That Dan Guy said...
    There we go with the drama, you see everyone?!
    Such exaggeration! 4 hours my sweet patootie! (2 hours really)
    You have to stay on top of this guy, you never know what nonsense he is reporting!

    Didn't TDG guy win the Drama Queen Crown at his High School prom? S
    o this should be a surprise?

  16. Heck I won it again just last week from the parking lot attendant downtown...
