Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hey, today I feel like a million bucks!!!

Anybody out there have enough to lend me something even close to that???? I’ve got my eye on a new fall jacket…

Anyhoo, after a few days of foggy head and overall inability to continue my relentless pursuit for the coveted gold belt in karate (very advanced), I awoke this morning to discover that my Herculean efforts to drive that funk away have been successful. The Zip-A-Dee is back in my Doo-Dah.

It’s funny, a weaker person may have been sidelined while overcoming this recent brush with Congestive Skull Space. Not me! I reached deep, deep down, and fought back like a wildcat, probably preventing a full-blown case of the sniffles from taking my life over.

Why doesn’t Oprah feel the need to highlight motivational stories like THIS? I mean, come on…you can only see John Travolta cry so many times – I’d have way more respect if he confessed to struggling with sinus swelling. It’s the human touch, boys and girls!!!

At any rate, I think I can finally close the door on this string of postings, and get back to the serious discipline and focus required for achieving my gold belt. Losing a couple of days of training may have already cost me dearly.

And all these recent accusations of being “overly-dramatic” in my battle to return to full health, well…let me just say that I wouldn’t wish a fuzzy head like I had to endure on my worst enemy. Or Justin Timberlake. MTDG, all is forgiven - you couldn't have known how stricken I truly was...

Today, the birds are singing a little louder, the sun is shining a bit more brightly, and even the air smells a little bit fresher.

Uh, except for just now…pardon me…

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Ok, I was not asking for nor do I need your forgiveness, because actually I do know how "Stricken" you is otherwise referred to as "dopey from lack of sleep".
    Full moons always cause That Dan Guy to lie awake, always have.
    The reason he hears birds this morning and feels Do Dah is he slept last night after 2 nights of no sleep.
    It isnt fog that has lifted,it is snoring that was loaded and loud!
    HOwever, nice to see the pep in the step again Mr!

  2. Yeah, snoring all right...

    From beside ME!! Like a Nasa rocket breaking the upper atmosphere, with brief pauses in between the roar...


  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    WILL THE DRAMA EVER END! Such lies, dont you know women don't snore?
    Hey, I feel like a million bucks too today,together we make 2 million!

  4. Did you hear about the young Native American lad,named 99 Cents?

    Wasn't quite a buck yet...

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Groan! Ah, is this what 1 million bucks delivers?
    Ha! "a buck" ...."A million bucks", ah ha!

  6. You know folks, she's like a coyote, that MTDG.

    I can be busily working away on rebuilding a car engine, or folding laundry, and out of the corner of my eye I will sense something "skulking" into my office...

    Skulking, I tell ya...

  7. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Skulking? Actually Mr That Dan Guy can miss anything! You can change things around in the house, you can jump up and down,and nothing! Not a detective does he make!
    Skulking? I walk right by him, clearly headed for his office, nothing, not even out of the corner of his eye!

  8. Like the Magic 8-Ball, I see and know all.....

    Take that, Wiley Coyote!!!

  9. Anonymous8:39 AM

    You see nothing!
    Case in point, Mr That Dan Guy hasnt even noticed his toupee has been missing for 20 years!
    Ba dup boom, here all week folks!

  10. Do y'all see what I have to put up with, here????

    I should get a Noble Peace prize just for my powers of endurance...
