Saturday, August 18, 2007

Chicken Scratch


Ole Charlie ain't feelin' so good today, boys an' girls...I got some kinda cluckin' summer cold.

The doc thinks it may be the flu! How about that - bird flu!!! Pluck my legs and call me Smoothie!! Bird flu!!


Well, at least it ain't Mad Cow, although I am pretty peed-off about being so cluckin' sick. If I didn't feel so lousy, I'd be madder than a wet hen!! Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!


Scuse me. I think I gotta puke....

Hey, puking ain't the worst of it. It's the OTHER end that you should be worried about. Holy cluckin' Hanna!! I feel like a pez dispenser on steroids!!


So, I need ta get some rest, and drink lots of liquids. Water might not be bad, but I prefer whole grains, so gin it is. A hangover can't make me feel any worse than I do right now.

And it can't make me spew up my cabbage any faster either...

My cluckin' tummy hurts.....

Is it cold in here, or has Death wrapped me in his icy grip?? And if it's so cluckin' cold, why am I sweatin' like Lindsay Lohan at a roadside sobriety check??

OK, now I'm just tired. Better go put my pinfeathers down on some down. Hopefully next week I'll be feeling more up to visitin' with you skin-covered mammals...

Cluck for now!!

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