Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Bad Ventriloquist"

A new feature on Blogger, I just couldn't resist adding in something to test it out.

I may live to regret this...

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I was regrettign it before I pushed I wish I were dead!!!
    Ha, ha!!!
    Just kididng.

  2. Clearly, nothing is sacred in the "Such Is Life' houehold...

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Awww...this is too cute. I love it and hope to see and hear more!

  4. Watching that clip again myself, I have to wonder if I shouldn't just pass the torch on to Charlie...

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Ya' know after showing this to Mrs.RG I have now com eto realize I was wrong.
    I am totally amazed how that sock puppet can make That Dan Guy type, lift his head and blubber simultaneously?

    I apologize for my earlier comments.
    That sock is PURE genius, a true talent to be reconed with, how does he do it???

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Maybe you can lend him to me to check over my keyboard.
    Some of these keys are getting a little sticky.

  7. OK, as for the first comment - Fuzzball is still in the experimental stages. You will only encourage me to continue if you label him a "genius"...

    As far as the second comment..I think I still have an Argy's hoodie I was storing for posterity (it seems to have shrunk over the years).

    I'm betting that piece of fleece would clean up a keyboard or two...

  8. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I gotta tell you it must be tough playing 4th banana in the household.

    First you have Charlie then MTDG, now the sock puppet and ye olde stay at home on the couch guy bringing up the rear.

    Sorrr Ruthie when you can strut around the house nekkid with a cigarette hangin' out of your mouth like Charlie.. he rules. Well hold a minute better watch what I say. I really don't know who does all the struttin' around those parts or what they're wearing for that matter.

  9. Where do you think Charlie GOT the idea that it was OK to smoke in the house, and strut around nekkid??

    And 4th banana?? I'm behind a smoothie machine and a pair of new pumps!!

  10. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Hey, what came first the chicken or the sock puppet?

  11. Judging by the vacant glaze in the sock puppet's eyes - I don't think he gets much action.

    I'd say based on the boasting of the fowl foul Charlie...well, you can finish the sentence...
