Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This blog of mine is still working bass-ackwards. I need to do Word Verification after a posting, even after I've signed in as myself. You don't, if you leave a comment.

And the auto-save function appears to be disabled as well, so I have to do the stupid thing several times before my blog posts.

I am indeed technologically cursed...

Well, I could gripe about the heat wave again this morning, but I should probably find something else to carp on about.

I am getting to be in need of a haircut. I can always tell, seeing as how the top is considerably thinner than the sides. I end up looking like the love child of Neil Diamond, and Bozo The Clown. Sweet Caroline!!!

I suppose I could go on about the e-mails I get incessantly lately, due to different membership "reward" programs. Radio stations, clothing stores, shoe stores, accordian outlets - the dang things just keep coming into my in-box. What exactly is the "reward"???? A bony claw that seizes up after opening one too many of these things (I really need to start using more than two fingers when I type)??

Just sayin'....

Chow for now!!

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