Sunday, July 22, 2007

Return of the heat wave...

Well, after a couple of recent cooler nights that allowed us to sleep in our bed again, the heat wave has returned here. Which wouldn't be such a bad thing, if it weren't so danged HOT!!!!!!!

I know, I know - it's too cold - it's too hot - the alligator just chewed my arm off - I'm never happy, am I??

I guess I'm just mourning the central air conditioner we had in our last home, which kept things like Goldilocks used to like them - just right! I could shave in the morning, without the whiskers floating off my face like the logs on that Disney Mountain ride. I could do my morning Jumping Jacks without spraying fluids like a dog after a run into a lake.

The other odd thing that results from this endless heat wave is that I have become a back yard putterer, for the first time in my life. The lawn, which I recall being of a greenish hue earlier in the year, now resembles thatch. Departed thatch.

Deceased thatch.

My nights are now filled with watering the yard, in a hopeful attempt to nurse it back to life. At least the ants are getting regular showers...

Chow for now!

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