Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm never sure how these things happen to me, but my blog site is working backwards...

From what I understand, comments can be posted now, without having to use the word verification feature.

I however, after having logged in as myself, am forced to use that annoying security feature after every one of these postings, and I have to do it several times, due to some weird-ass problem with the loading of this posting page.

It makes no sense at all to me...


The ankle is beginning to return to the proper pinkish hue one might expect it to maintain. The two bright purple skid marks on either side (like DC Comics superhero The Flash, sort-of) are getting harder and harder to point out to anybody who will stop and listen to my tale of woe.

I can put most of the pressure of my husky frame on it, without yelping in pain. It will still be awhile before I compete in Tap Canada though.... I hope not to miss out on the provincials.


We have yet to attend The Calgary Stampede ourselves, which is a little embarrassing, considering social butterfly Charlie has already scoped it out.

From what we've seen on TV, aside from the rodeo stuff, it's just a grander version of The Red River Ex. They'd probably put out a contract on me for saying that, but hey, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...

Chow for now!!

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