Saturday, July 28, 2007

Chicken Scratch

Hold onto your pinfeathers, my big skin-colored friends - Charlie's gone and got hisself pierced!!

That's right, pierced. You watch one too many episodes of Miami Ink, and look wut happens!


I hafta admit, it didn't hurt nearly as bad as I thought it might, but I may have also underestimated the nurturing qualities of a rain barrel full of tequila.

I had hoped to maybe get a hoop or stud for my ear, but the "artist" had some difficulty finding any ears.

And for the record, I don't wanna suggest that every male doctor got his medical license just to see chicks nekked, but they could have saved a FORTUNE in tuition and just went to tattoo school. While I was getting my noggin pierced, you wouldn't BEE-LIEVE the places some hens were getting inked up. My hat is off to the decline of modern morality.


So, I gotta watch this thing for a few days. Nominal amounts of puss can be normal, a prolonged shower of puss will require consultation with a real doctor.

And, I should be careful to watch where I'm walkin' . Shoppin' in a fabric store could possibly end up with me snaggin' a roll of fabric, and runnin' around like a chicken with his head cut off. Heh heh heh...

I hafta admit, I do feel tougher, more roosterly. Pluckin' ay, man...

Cluck for now!!

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