Sunday, July 08, 2007





These are the keywords on my road to recovery, from one sprained ankle. Although it feels better than it did a few days ago, the broken blood vessels make it look like Rocky Balboa used my foot as a side of beef, during one of his training binges.

I went to the doctor yesterday (all my troubles seemed so far away), after both sides of my foot developed crimson skid marks. Mrs. That Dan Guy felt that I maybe had a (receding) hairline fracture, but I knew instinctively that I had simply stretched my ligaments, and this was just the natural course of the healing process. As a matter of fact, and I swear to God, the doctor said EXACTLY that when I went to see him.

He did send me for X-rays, though, just to be on the safe side.

And so, the healing begins. Advil. Ice. Elevate. And a tensor bandage to elicict sympathy, as I hobble bravely down the street...

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Yah right!
    When Mr. That Dan Guy saw the massive bruising on his foot, he even said "Oh, maybe I had better go to the doctor!"
    I am working on a large shipment of bubble wrap in which my intentions are to wrap my fella up in this wrap from head to toe everyday so he can avoid any more of the dangerous escapades we commonly refer to as "household items". (For example trying to yank out a screen door stubbornly and losing balance off the stairs onto a patio, or, trying to put socks on and losing balance and cutting one's foot on the dresser handle. You know, hazards...)
    Mrs. That Dan Guy

  2. You know, as I saw my life flash before my eyes while falling off that second step from the patio, the one thing that gave me the will to fight for my life was knowing that I could at least depend on sympathy and compassion from my loved ones.

    Or at least, so I had thought at the time...

  3. Anonymous9:31 PM comment, JUST LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow, I can see these events clearly in my mind.........perhaps it's the Rye and Coke.....OR NOT!

  4. It's true what they say - you really do see your whole life flash by when you're about to die.

    Or maybe that was just paving stones, it was a bit dull after all.

    How I missed whacking my head on the patio table, enroute to impact, is beyond me.

    The only explanation I can think of is a band of guardian angels gently moving aside the table, and one really quick one moving the flailing screen door away from our brand-new gazebo...
