Monday, June 04, 2007

Not sure why, but I seem to be falling down on the job, in my humble efforts to "help bring sexy back".

I mean, it really should be a simple enough process. Yesterday, I cut an old pair of jeans into what could only be described as "hot pants". Or shorts waaaay too inappropriate to wear with my boxers...

Anyhow, along with those pantlets, and a T-shirt from Gold's Gym (yard sale find!), I figured my glance into the bedroom mirror indeed confirmed the possibility of at least a little "sexy back".

But then it rained all afternoon. Before I could hit the streets, spreading "sexy back" like that apple seed dude does his thing. I was (Word Of The Day coming up here) stymied.

So today, it begins all over again. I've got oodles of "sexy back", looking for an appreciative viewing audience. Maybe coming to YOUR neighborhood...

Chow for now!!

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