Saturday, June 30, 2007

Chicken Scratch
Happy Long Weekend, for you losers that need one. I get long weekends every cluckin' day!!!
So, the turkeys that live here (no relation) needed a fence, so they could enjoy their crappy little yard. Too good to stand outside with their Pina Coladas in the open field, eh???
Well, they were also TOO CHEAP (CHEEP??) to HIRE somebody to do it proper, so ole Charlie told 'em he could "git 'er done".
And now, the cluckheads will have to live with what I done...
By law, six feet is the maximum height for a fence here. I din't wanna break any laws (pillar of virtue that I am), so I tried real hard not to go over that.
Where I may have gone a bit wrong was not even coming close. Six feet, six inches - a fence is still a fence!!! Popsicle sticks, for the record, are freakin' cheap!!
Ain't no rabbits getting over that border!!
Hak! Hak! Hak!
'Scuse me. Friggin' smoke doubled back inta my beak...
They also needed a patio, and they wanted one made outta patio stones.
I'm a pluckin' chicken!! How the cluck am I supposed to lift those heavy bastards?? I laid down some gravel, spray-painted it beige...Bob's yer cluckin' Uncle!!
If they don't like it, they can kiss my tenderized tail-feathers!!
Cluck for now!

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