Wednesday, May 16, 2007

When someone breaks a record of some sort, I'm often happy to share in the pride of that achievement. Not sharing as in taking credit, just appreciative of how some person or group can do something so significant as to make a new record of some kind, in their chosen field of pursuit.

Today's record, not a time for celebration. Gas prices at the pump here have hit an even newer high, enroute to what experts are saying now will be higher prices at the pumps than ever.

An athlete at least has to do some preparation to break a record. Train or whatever. These oil companies just decide one morning that their snowy owl sausages aren't exotic enough anymore, and so decide (en masse) to poke prices up, so as to afford breakfast ham shaven off a frozen mammoth's ass.

Sure, to their credit, there are mitigating circumstances. As consumers, we tend to travel more in the summer months, so why be happy with what they've been collecting all this time? They've gotten so adept at screwing the public over, you'd almost think they had government experience.

Reminds me of that old T-shirt you used to see, a few years back:

"Don't Steal From The Government. They Don't Like The Competition!!"

Chow for now!

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