Monday, May 07, 2007

Well, with The Calgary Flames and The Vancouver Canucks eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs, I guess the only thing a Tim Horton's coffee drinker can do now is root for The Ottawa Senators. That's somewhere out east, isn't it??

I have every confidence that Ottawa will be up to the challenge of this latest round of the playoffs, but just in case, perhaps every good and faithful Canadian hockey fan could do THEIR part, to assure we get into the finals.

First off, we'll need to find that ex-husband of Tonya Harding, and then we're going to have to pick up about 15 or so of those collapsible batons....


With all this talk over the weekend of the Kentucky Derby, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I felt like we needed to do something, to somehow participate. No, I don't mean watching it on TV.

We went to the horse races here, on Sunday. Always good fun, and this time,we actually picked a winner!!

In Race Six, there were a couple of horses that just jumped out at us. Once we recomposed ourselves, and the aggressive nags were taken back to their stables, we picked a couple that came across the finish line, in the exact order!!

To "place", we picked "Banjo Babe", and I'll be gosh-darned is she didn't do just that. A banjo never lets me down...

To "win", we picked "Tartan Star", which I didn't confess to MTDG until he won, the reason why.

Which was, just hours earlier I had submitted a past column electronically to, to see if they may run it in their papers in Scotland. I'd say that my horse choice actually winning is a pretty good sign. That kind of thinking of course has me still confident that I will be elected "Lord Of The Leprachauns", because I've eaten Lucky Charms every week since I was a kid...

Chow for now!

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