Friday, May 18, 2007

Welcome to a long weekend!

Technically (not to throw cold water on the celebrations) the weekend is the same size as it always is. The correct term should be "short week". At least, that's my story...

Regardless, it all boils down to one (or two if you've got a good union) less day(s) working for "the man". One more day (or two) to not shave or shower. One (or two) more chance(s) to come up with wacky ideas for staying home sick (example: "Boss, I think I got a fevered ovary!!")

So, what are YOUR plans for the "short week"? Are you going to hold a parade in your neighborhood, in celebration of not having to sit in your dimly-lit cubicle for 8 more cursed hours? Are you going to burn some meat over an open fire, in a crowded public campsite, and try to remember the chords to "Kumbaya"?

Are you going to be taking advantage of this extra time by clearing off the episodes of :Walker Texas Ranger" you never got around to viewing, back when you taped them all those years ago?? Don't be so quick to judge - I still have episodes of "Growing Pains" and "L.A. Law" we need to clear off of Betamax tape...

Whatever it is you choose to do this short week, please drink responsibly, wear protection, and try not to use poor grammar. There's just no excuse for poor grammar...

Chow for now!!

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