Monday, April 23, 2007

The Monday Morning "Nobody-Asked-Me-To - But-Here-I-Go-Anyway Concert Review" - The Smothers Brothers...

(or, Why I Will Never Be A Professional Concert Reviewer...)

Last night, Mrs. That Dan Guy & I caught yet another legendary comedy act (which if you can read, you've already discovered back at the first sentence...), The Smothers Brothers.

Now, younger readers admittedly might be thinking: "Who??"

For the record, these guys have been comic icons for almost fifty years, which would indeed make them older than your great-grandparents. But that doesn't mean they aren't still funny as hell!!

As a matter of fact, the synchronicity and tightness of a performance with that many years in the game was easily apparent, as the brothers had that concert hall roaring from start to finish. Classic routines, new stuff, all delivered in a unique style that I've enjoyed since I was a youngster myself. Which may actually reveal that I am older than your grandparents myself...


The point is, these guys might seem leftovers from a long-gone era of entertainment, but they were fresh and timely with their material. Every bit worked!

But the real treat was a multi-media presentation of the highlights from their TV career, and the huge stars of the day that appeared back then, on their various shows. That's what underlines their appeal 50 years down the road - some of those routines drew as big a laugh as the stuff they were doing live. That, my little friends, takes talent!!

We got that in spades last night!


On another note, we left the show just in time to get home and see The Calgary Flames blown out in the second overtime period - essentially opening up their golf season earlier than anyone here had hoped.

There's always next year...

Chow for now!!

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