Thursday, April 26, 2007

It all starts out innocently enough...

I was working to deadline yesterday, for my weekly newspaper columns. One of the pieces I had been working on required a comparison of myself to a famous male performer. In the past, I've worn out comparisons to people like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney.

So, I felt I needed someone new to compare myself to, for this particular column.

I went to surf the Google, and typed in "hot male hunks". As Dave Barry used to say: "I am NOT making this up"...

Well, imagine my surprise, shock and horror to find HUNDREDS of websites appear, all dedicated to helping me find the perfect "hot male hunk". And, several suggestions as to what I could do once I found one! Yikes!!!!!

I amended my search (hastily, while drawing the blinds), to "hot male CELEBRITY hunks", and the same hundreds of websites appeared again, but this time offering candid shots of say, new James Bond actor Daniel Craig golfing naked. Oy...

If I had had a major coronary at that moment, I'm not sure how I would have explained my computer screen to either the good folks at EMS, or Mrs. That Dan Guy.

I do know for sure that I'm just going to pick up a copy of People magazine next time....

Chow for now!!

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