Friday, April 20, 2007

I must (humbly and meekly, maybe even in the dead of night) remove my "Help Wanted" sign, posted in a moment of frustration after Game Two of the Calgary/Detroit playoff series.

Seems I was a little hasty in my assessment of the hometown hockey hopes. Well, being new here, I apparently still have a lot to learn....

The series is officially tied at two games apiece!! Go Flames!!


Hey, how about that new season of Gene Simmon's Family Jewels?? Both Gene and his long-time (unmarried) partner Shannon Tweed underwent facelifts, and we're watching the healing process on national TV!! Great fun, with the terrific senses of humour that they both have.

Now we can only cross our fingers and wait for Alex Trebek's Hairpieces Gone Haywire...


I'm surprised that I even have the strength to gone on with a posting today, after Sanjaya's untimely demise from American Idol. Even though we both refuse to watch even a few seconds of the show, it is impossible to escape some reference to this broadcasting juggernaut.

We watched David Letterman the other night, and he had on a young fellow that originated the website dedicated to keeping the ....unlikely contestants (like Sanjaya) alive, in the voting. I think it was called "Vote For The Worst". The title says it all!!!

However, for us, that would keep the entire cast on the show....


Just asking - would you raise with a a King/Ten off-suit, or fold if there's an Ace on the flop???

Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Just saw the Family Jewels episode where Gene comes back from hospital and Shannon is still there...can't wait to see more...Love It.

    Idol.....our house was divided. Half Sanjaya fans and half anybody but Sanjaya fans....

    As for the poker question, the answer is.....RAISE....but...only if you have the balls of a big brass monkey......or are crazy as a loon......or sly as a fox

  2. Gene Simmons rocks!!


    And your poker advice is far too late. I went all-in,and lost to some jackass with a lucky trio of Queens.

    Seriously! It was a donkey. Beat by a jackass....
