Tuesday, April 03, 2007

6:02 AM

Again, snow overnight. The street is blanketed, much like I should still be. This is NOT a good start to my day…

6:04 AM

Coffee, the elixir of the gods… Within moments, my brain will begin to awaken, and the twittering images on the TV screen will start to make sense…

6:06 AM

No, the twittering images on the TV screen are just that – twittering images. However, they do indicate several more days of this weather. If this is spring here in Calgary, I’m going to greet that blasted groundhog next year with a little “Sopranos”-style persuasion for more accuracy in his weather predictions…

6:09 AM

Had a couple of cookies. Blood is now starting to course a little faster through my body. The coffee cup feels less like a cruise ship boat anchor, more like the kitchenware that it is. I wonder if just chewing coffee beans would speed this morning process up at all???

6:15 AM

Well, looks like the morning newspaper is going to be late. Shouldn’t someone in charge of such a vital mission as my paper delivery be better equipped?? Don’t they offer sled dog teams to the carriers?? Or even a helicopter, anything…I need my comics page, and I need it NOW!!!!!

6:20 AM

Still no paper. Are we back to the Stone Age???

6:31 AM

I just heard the newspaper thump up against the door. I’ll need to use my extend-o- grabber to pick it up…don’t want to get my fuzzy slippers wet…

6:45 AM

Heh Heh Heh…That wacky Garfield

6:50 AM

Ugh. Need to think of something to blog about. Better get my keister up to the office…

Chow for now!!

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