Saturday, March 24, 2007


A little sensitive still, after a feather transplant last week. I ain't gonna be doing any Jumpin' Jacks anytime soon...

Yeah, I got tired of being nekked all the time. I live in Alberta, not Florida - I was getting poultry bumps ALL the freakin' time!!

So, wattaya think? I may have gone for one of the more unnatural-looking color schemes. Instead of rooster, I think I got mid-80's Liza Minelli, or maybe I even look like I'm wearing Richard Simmons' bathrobe??

I guess I gotta let it grow on me. Hey!! Transplanted feathers growing on me! HA Ha Ha!!!!!!


Hey, I hope these cluckin' things aren't flammable...

"New York, New York!!!! Start Spreadin' The News!!!"" HA HA HA HA !!!!!

(Hak hak hak!!) Ugh...pardon me...a little loose saliva there...

Hey Toots - got a match???

Cluck for now!!


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Ya' kow for a chicken Charlie sure gets up oretty late.
    Whatsa matter no roosters in the house!?!!?

  2. Editor's Note:

    For an anorexic, chain-smoking nudist chicken (clearly of NO moral fiber), I'd say we're lucky he even shows up at all...
