Friday, March 09, 2007

"The Friday Morning Nobody-Asked-Me-To-But-Here-I-Go-Anyway Concert Review" - Meat Loaf!

(or, Why I Will Never Be A Professional Concert Reviewer)

Last night, Mrs. That Dan Guy and I finally had the chance to see Meat Loaf live. So, we did...
Mr. Loaf is still one heck of a powerhouse , although we differed this time on that thought. Mrs. That Dan Guy felt he may not have been as vocally capable as he once was. I thought he just used a few vocal shortcuts, to prevent his head from exploding...
What can we say?? We heard everything we hoped to, and many more. He even kicked into "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" for his second song. That's a lotta confidence in your songbook, to flip off one of your biggest hits so early in the program!
That there's what you might call a rock classic - I know that back in my mobile DJ days, there was never a wedding or other such function that I didn't spin that particular tune. Still got the crowd going crazy last night.
I'd have to say Mr. Loaf did a pretty good job of blending the music from his three Bat Out Of Hell albums, even though some grumblers out there might discount II & III. I found some of those songs went over just as well as his most successful, first album tunes.
But speaking of that first album - Holy Toledo!! Finally getting to see him stretch those pipes of his on Bat Out Of Hell, which closed the pre-encore part of the show, was insane. My ears are still ringing (and yet no one is answering...go figure), but it was a spectacle. Terrific!!
Opening act Marion Raven was none too shabby, with a soaring, powerful voice herself. However, after seeing as many live shows as we do these days, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting 10 or 12 talented young female vocalists. She sure didn't stand out in a crowded field.
But, that's just me...
I also can't help but notice that concert-goers now are less concerned with the actual concert, than running up and down the stairs of the arena. Sometimes they'll return with a beer or a Coke. Most times I think they just use the facility for a cardio workout.
Awfully expensive aerobics class, if you ask me.
Chow for now!!


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hey Winnipeg got Dennis Quaid on satge doing an encore with Mr. Loaf ...err ,Mr. Meat.

    What does Clagary get??
    A couple of Cowboys getting drunk and singing show tunes while filming some movie about a broken back. What a bunch of whiners.

  2. You know, I always thought you were mispelling "Calgary', but now I think you're just refering to our country-western dance craze export -Appalachian clagging...
