Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today's gonna be one of those mornings again.

One of those mornings where I sit here and stare vacantly at the computer screen, with not a twig between my ears for an idea.

There's more mornings like that than you know. Or maybe you've known all along, you sly dogs. When a man without direction starts tapping on a keyboard, I suppose it could be pretty obvious on the other end of...well, wherever the heck you may be right now.

And, still...nothing. Not one bright idea for a topic this morning.

Hey, I noticed our Calgary Flames lost again, last night. That can't be good...

Dum de dee doo... bah dum bah dum doo da doo dee...

Pretty mild out these days, eh??

(Come on man, for the love of Pete, THINK of something to say here!!!)

We're probably going to have hot dogs for supper tonight.

(OK, that's it. Pack it in. You're friggin' useless this morning!!!)

Well, better run. Forgot to go grab my paper from the stoop.

Chow for now!!

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